Get Active

Staying active is really important for our mental health. Exercise helps improve our mood, reduces stress, and lowers feelings of anxiety and depression. When we engage in exercise, our bodies release endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones which make us feel happier and more relaxed. Being active also helps us sleep better, feel more confident and provides a healthy outlet for managing everyday pressures. By maintaining an active lifestyle, we can support our mental health and enjoy a better quality of life.

We Are Undefeatable

Moving more doesn’t mean you need to splurge on buying fancy equipment. There are plenty of ways to be active that don’t require you spending any money at all. Find out more here.

This Girl Can

Women come in all shapes and sizes and all levels of ability. It doesn’t matter if you’re rubbish or an expert. The brilliant thing is you’re a woman and you’re doing something. Find out more here.


Couch to 5k

A running programme for absolute beginners, Couch to 5K has helped millions of people like you start running.

The app:

  • Has a choice of 5 trainers to motivate you
  • Works with your music player
  • Tracks your runs
  • Connects you with other Couch to 5k runners

Couch to 5K can be completed in as little as 9 weeks, or longer if you want to go at your own pace.

Active 10

The Active 10 app anonymously records every minute of walking you do. Just pop your phone in your pocket and away you go!

The app:

  • Tracks your steps
  • Helps you set goals
  • Shows you your achievements
  • Gives you tips to boost your activity

Did you know walking briskly, even for 1 minute, counts as exercise? What are you waiting for – take your first steps today!

Helpful Resources