5 top tips on supporting physical health through nutrition

Nutrition plays a really important role in supporting our overall physical health.

In the most basic way, we need to remember that fuel is simply a source of fuel for either the actions of the body (breathing, walking, moving) or reactions (all the work that happens at cellular level) of the body.

When we make food choices, we want to ensure we are enjoying the food we are eating, but at the same time understand the impact the food can have on our physical health. In this blog, we are going to look at 5 top tips to support physical health through nutrition. Why not set yourself a challenge to take on these changes over the next 4 weeks to see the health benefits you can experience?

Always remember, before making any major nutrition changes, if you have any form of ill health or are taking any medication, please consult with your GP or medical practitioner to ensure you are staying safe. 

Whole Grain carbohydrates instead of white carbohydrates

The first challenge you can consider is switching from any white carbohydrate such as white bread, white rice and white pasta to the wholegrain versions such as brown rice, wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta.

When we eat the whole grain versions of these foods we are ensuring we are eating food that hasn’t been overly processed but that also contains all the fibre, B vitamins and minerals that we need to support the physical functioning of the body.

Drink water.

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining optimal physical health. Water is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption, circulation, and temperature regulation. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and adjust your intake based on factors like activity level and how hot it is outside. You can also hydrate through hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables, soups, and herbal teas. Tea and coffee are obviously made from water, but they do encourage your body to expel water at a faster rate, so I would not rely on these as your sole sources of hydration.

Balance Macronutrients:

Ensure your meals are balanced with a combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates provide energy, proteins support muscle repair and growth, and fats are essential for hormone production and nutrient absorption. For so many people, we are often led to believe we need to remove some of these food groups in order to lose weight, for example ‘go low fat’ or the current trend is to reduce carbohydrates. The truth is that we need all three of these food groups in order body in order to support our overall physical health. 

Refuel after exercise:

It is important that you refuel after exercise to help reduce inflammation and support recovery. Ideally have a snack that contains carbohydrates and protein within around 30 minutes of exercise. This could be as simple as a handful of nuts and a small banana.

Boost up your vitamins and minerals

The last challenge you can take on if you choose, is to simply increase your intake of vegetables and fruits during the day. The best ones to choose are ones that have the greatest variety of colour – think peppers, berry fruits and if you are feeling adventurous even purple cauliflower! Can you aim to have either fruits or vegetables as part of each of your meals and snacks? The nutrients found in these foods have a direct impact on how the cells of the body are able to function and to be able to do the jobs within our body. The more we increase our intake of fruits and vegetables the more we will be doing to try and support the health of our cells.

Do you want to know more about the role of nutrition to support your wellbeing? Why not sign up to one of our online Nutrition and wellbeing courses run by a Registered Nutritionist, designed to educate and support you on your wellbeing journey.

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